- Double-click at the top of the first page to add the first header.
- Right-click on the status bar at the bottom.
- Check the options for Formatted Page Number and Section. This will make it easy to see what section you are working in.
- Place the cursor in the body of the first page (or after whatever text belongs with the first header).
- Switch to the Layout tab.
- In the Page Setup group, go to Breaks and select Next Page.
- Double-click inside the next header. You should notice a box that says "Header -Section 2-" and a box that says "Same as Previous".
- In the Design tab (which should open automatically), click on the Link to Previous option in the Navigation group to turn off linked headers and footers.
- You can now edit the Section 2 header without making changes to the Section 1 header.
- Repeat as necessary for additional headers and footers.
18 February 2017
Microsoft Word 2016: How to Insert Different Headers on Each Page
How to insert different headers and footers on each page of a document in Microsoft Word 2016: